Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love is...

Greetings all!

This morning I woke up and as I opened my eyes, a kind of sadness came over me, it was the day, the day that had not been my friend for the last two years. I got up and got ready for school, the closer I got to being ready to leave, the more I didn't want to, the idea of going out into a world filled with love[ers] just didn't particularly appeal to me.  I went out to get a maxi and my father happened to come along, he noticed the mood and asked about it, to which i simply replied "its valentines day"... he understood.

While on the maxi and I put on a playlist I had made days before chucked full of Alanis Morissette, The Cranberries, Florence and the Machine... basically... i was sinking myself deeper and deeper, until I happened to glance out of the window and see a man carrying a vase with red roses, he literally had a bounce to his step and a broad smile on his face, i couldn't help but smile. Then it hit me...


I was allowing relationships from my past, situations, emotions, things from my past to completely cloud what I believe the real importance of this day is... Love, not just any specific kind of love, but just love in general, love for anyone, anything...

Today is probably one of the most beautiful day's of the year that we all could experience simply because there is an abundance of love, ad from love comes positive vibrations, and from positive vibrations come happiness... what could be better than that. 

I plan to be open to and take in as much of the energy floating around that I possibly can, because nothing bad could ever come from that. Be open to love, even if you might not have it in your life the way you want to, even if a person you love is far away or you have no prospect of seeing them, just be happy that they're out there and send out love to them, most importantly just be happy that you're around and love yourself, it's the best gift that you could ever give yourself so go on and take in the LOVE!

Mucho Love,
A lot of Blessings,
Plenty Smiles
and Tons of Happiness
to you all!