Friday, January 6, 2012

What the Wind Gave Me...

On Sunday April 17th, 2011 I woke up around 8am and headed south bound with my uncle and cousin to Los Iros, I initially took the camera in the hopes that I would be able to get some really amazing kite surfing action shots, but the closer we got the Los Iros the more we began to realize that that just may not have been an option, there was no wind, and with no wind there would be no surfing the skies for anyone. 

 Having driven all the way there we decided to stay for a bit. While Los Iros may not have been the most beautiful stretch of beach I had ever seen it definitely held some treasures hidden away, I got a beautiful set of pictures that day. 

 The lack of wind in Los Iros allowed for me to go to the Savannah where the wind blew my way a different kind of blessing. This morning I received a call, that a photo from my Los Iros set had been chosen to appear in the Music Radio 97.1 FM (Trinidad & Tobago) Motivation Minute Booklet. Blessings in abundance.

Much Love • Much Light