Saturday, October 22, 2011
Good night, Greetings, Salutations, Shalom, Namaste, As-Salamu Alaykum...
So I was wondering tonight, what is the difference between someone who is a complete "puppy dog" over someone, and someone that is just in general a nice, thoughtful person. In my honest opinion the two are one in the same. I find as a society we have a tendency to single out the nice "guy/gyal" and quickly label them, bazodee, sprung, whipped, puppy dog etc etc. Why is this though?
No seriously.... WHY? is it that we are so unaccustomed to people actually doing nice, considerate, sweet things for people they care for, simply because they want to, without agenda. Is it that we don't truly believe these people exist? Because let me tell you, they do exist! I know this for a fact because well I am proudly guilty.
You see when i'm with someone I can't help but want to do random sweet things for them. Just ask any of my partners. I've never done so because I expected it in return, or because I wanted anything at all from them, I just did it because it was something that was in my power to do, and it was something I felt like they would appreciate.
But wait, I suppose I do have a hidden agenda, I actually enjoy... making... my current partner... HAPPY! and seeing her... SMILE! How absolutely selfish of me...
But it's no scene, the next time someone wants to call me sprung, or whipped, or anything of the sort, because I picked my partner flowers, made her coffee, make sure she's always eaten, met her at the bus stop etc etc etc I will smile and wear my title with pride... because while my partner is smiling yours just might be wondering where her smile went...
bless up folks!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Sweet N' Sour Moo-Shu
So have you ever had a really great day, i'm saying best of the best, the kinds of days where you feel like absolutely nothing can get you down. I have them quite often, but more often than not those days simply don't end as they started.
For whatever reason, or no reason at all most times, my mood completely 360's and turns for the worst. The "Sweet to Sour in 60seconds" Syndrome. It's such a frustrating place to be, especially the better your day was, it's almost like a little person in your head clicks a switch and bam your day is in the gutter.
The worst part about it is once the mood hits the gutter, getting it out of the rut is near impossible and it shows, physically... it eats away, emotionally. I find that with myself it causes me to withdraw from those around me, and those who I don't withdraw from feel the nasty end of the stick, which usually ends up in some form of negative altercation. So as I mentioned to avoid negative altercations I just shut down, I don't speak, I don't interact what so ever, which of course has its own negative connotations, in terms of people around me.
At this point you may be wondering the point of this post, and even why I decided to randomly divulge all of this "personal" information about myself and my moods... well its because tonight I found myself in this very same position, i had a great day and then suddenly it all went to shit and I felt my spirit sinking, but all of that changed just as quickly as it had originally.
With one sweet smile, the same smile that later brought me cookies and cuticle oil. For this, for her I am most grateful for today.
100 Views... When did that happen?
No, seriously? when did that happen? Well to viewer 101 Hi... hope in the end it was worth it.
Monday, October 17, 2011
The Direction the Wind Blows
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If you don't know where you want to go, what you want to do, the direction in which you go doesn't matter |
I first saw this picture ironically one day after having a conversation with my aunt about the very same topic. How do we move "forward" when we don't know what we want? See the truth is, at 25 I still don't really know what I want out of life, where I truly want to go, or what I want to be doing. The only thing I suppose I do know, is that I want to be happy, regardless of where I am, or what I'm doing just to get by.
I mean that's what it's all about isn't it... every path we take is defined by what we want out of life, the house we want to live in, the materialistic things we want to buy, the private school we want to send our kids to one day. Things that can't be obtained unless we have a plan, and by plan I mean a stable way of generating money. So does money purchase a ticket to a life filled with happiness?
But I've strayed... So is it okay to not know what you want? Is it possible to live a happy life without this knowledge? Honestly, I still don't really know the answer to this, or the answer to a lot of questions actually, but I do know this quote did come at a time when I really needed it... "If you don't know where you want to go, the direction you go doesn't matter".
The moral of the story is, I'll just keep doing what I'm doing, going where the wind blows me, just because I can, if that makes me seem irresponsible to some, then hey... at the end of the day we all have our own individual lives to live. And right here in this moment, where I don't know what I want, I still manage to be happy.
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