Dear Joe le taxi... You picked me up even though I signaled St. James and you were not headed in that direction, I had to walk two extra blocks because of it, but everything happens for a reason.
While I was walking I saw a lady, who I had seen exactly one week ago, she had on a skirt (around which was draped a 50th anniversary drapery) and a blouse, jacket and black sneakers, she held a Trinidad flag over her shoulder so at first glance she came off as being patriotic, but when I saw her today the flag and clothing were damp and slightly dirty and her sneakers pressed down in the back.
Today she was ahead of me, and i saw her holding her stomach. I walk fast so soon I was along side her. We were both next to a new building now and she looked up and said "looks like new apartments" I nodded and said that our offices, she replied looks expensive but pretty still and smiled. She wished me every single holiday wish I could think of and told me to have a nice day. As I walked away she told me she was from princess town "I've come a really long way" she said "I'm learning all the streets in port of Spain, I like to walk by PNM and Tranquility school" I smiled and walked in the direction of school.
I wished that there was something that I could do, I was wary about giving her money because I didn't know how it would be spent, the guy i usually buy breakfast from was not there, so I just kept walking as I turned the corner to walk in to school I saw a pie lady I had never noticed before so I bought a bottle of water and a pie, turned back around and went to find her.
She was outside the PNM building when I caught up to her she turned around and saw me and smiled, she's really good at that, I told her for your journey and handed her the things, her face lit up even more than before. I have never met a more grateful person in my life, she walked me back to school and we talked the whole way.
she told me that her mother had passed away week (the same day I saw her), that she was an only child and her name, I told her mine and she bestowed gods full blessings on me, she told me there's hope for the world with young people like me around, and that she wants me to get distinctions in my major, said she won't forget my name and will hail me out every time she sees me. She said she hopes we meet again and that I made her morning.
The truth is she made my morning, her spirit and good nature. I feel blessed having been able to encounter, interact with and be able to help such a beautiful soul. It's easy to see people, see them in need and look the other way, thinking there is nothing you can do for them, it's easy to forget that these people are people too, that they have or had families.
I don't think I'll soon forget you Miss A from princess town :) ♥
Much Love • Much Light
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
Trayvon's Mellow Mood
I've recently taken to drinking a new line of Iced teas named "Marley's Mellow Mood" its a product that has been developed and brought out in collaboration with the Marley family. The cool thing with this drink is that while most drinks on the market these days offer energy boost this is actually an anti-energy drink, with the can boasting "All Natural Relaxation."
The first day I saw it, I must admit the picture of Marley's face smack dab in the middle of the can is what intrigued me more than anything, so most naturally I bought it. Armed with my new Iced tea I headed off to meet up with my mom and a couple of friends who were having a lunch date close by, one of which was a doctor. When I walked in they all saw my drink and were equally intrigued as I was. The doctor took the bottle and turned it around to the ingredients list and he started smiling, I asked him what he had read, and he went on to explain to me that the ingredients of the drink were basically the legal equivalent to things found in marijuana, and that the drink could in fact have the same effects of smoking weed. Anyone that knows anything about Bob Marley would know that the man sure loved his marijuana, which I guess could make this drink a "good" tribute to him. Does the fact that Marley used to smoke weed affect the way that anyone views him though, or the millions of people that still listen to his music? I think not.
This all leads me to what this blog is really about.
The point will always remain that Trayvon Martin was a 17yr old armed with skittles and an Arizona Iced Tea. He left his father's girlfriend's house that night to go to the 7eleven for this little brother, and on his way back home was gunned down by a man who the police told to stand down, the same man who ignored the police and pursued him anyway, which resulted in the altercation that took Travyon's life. In my humble opinion the fact that Travyon was "high" would just further prove to me that he didn't go looking for any trouble, because if there is one thing that all marijuana smokers can tell you is that only two things result from smoking weed, A good mellow high or you get sick cause someone sold you a bad mix. Marley's Mellow Mood sums up in three words exactly the effects of marijuana, nothing more, nothing less.
Don't use the marijuana in Trayvon's system to persecute him or his family, use the gun in zimmermans hand to prosecute him!
The first day I saw it, I must admit the picture of Marley's face smack dab in the middle of the can is what intrigued me more than anything, so most naturally I bought it. Armed with my new Iced tea I headed off to meet up with my mom and a couple of friends who were having a lunch date close by, one of which was a doctor. When I walked in they all saw my drink and were equally intrigued as I was. The doctor took the bottle and turned it around to the ingredients list and he started smiling, I asked him what he had read, and he went on to explain to me that the ingredients of the drink were basically the legal equivalent to things found in marijuana, and that the drink could in fact have the same effects of smoking weed. Anyone that knows anything about Bob Marley would know that the man sure loved his marijuana, which I guess could make this drink a "good" tribute to him. Does the fact that Marley used to smoke weed affect the way that anyone views him though, or the millions of people that still listen to his music? I think not.
This all leads me to what this blog is really about.
Florida teenager, who was shot dead by a neighbourhood watch leader, found to have traces of marijuana in blood and urineOh no, they done opened a can of worms now. Or did they really? Maybe its my mellow caribbean attitude, but so what! Big deal, Trayvon liked to smoke weed. Already people have taken to labeling him as a pot head and using it in a negative light against his character and have gone even as far as to now give George Zimmerman's actions justification. I've read comments on various articles about the newest evidence discovery, most of which share the very same view as myself.
The point will always remain that Trayvon Martin was a 17yr old armed with skittles and an Arizona Iced Tea. He left his father's girlfriend's house that night to go to the 7eleven for this little brother, and on his way back home was gunned down by a man who the police told to stand down, the same man who ignored the police and pursued him anyway, which resulted in the altercation that took Travyon's life. In my humble opinion the fact that Travyon was "high" would just further prove to me that he didn't go looking for any trouble, because if there is one thing that all marijuana smokers can tell you is that only two things result from smoking weed, A good mellow high or you get sick cause someone sold you a bad mix. Marley's Mellow Mood sums up in three words exactly the effects of marijuana, nothing more, nothing less.
Don't use the marijuana in Trayvon's system to persecute him or his family, use the gun in zimmermans hand to prosecute him!
Rise above the ignorance!
Much love • Much Light
Humor Me?
I'm trying to understand at which point did it become okay to use humor as a way to hide the fact that you just said something really amazingly absurdly inappropriate. Although i suppose if I really think about it, it has always been that way, it's something I have encountered my whole life and honestly have been guilty of as well. I'm not trying to scrutinize any one or pass any form of judgements, this is not in my place to do so, but why? I mean i'm not really talking about the little things, for instance people that joke about wanting to date my mom.
Now I don't doubt that most people are joking, but I know that there are a few who aren't and dismiss this innapropriate comment as a joke. This is something i've learnt to let go of and just laugh along with, because at the end of the day, in the grand scheme of things, It's really not that deep.
See the type of innapropriate "jokes" i'm talking about run on a much higher level. These are things, that when you read them they infuriate you, and leave you wondering how anyone could ever say such a thing. Specifically the inspriation for this note was the image inserted below.
They said what now?
I originally saw this picture for the first time on a friend's wall. She expressed much shock and disbelief about it, as I did when I first saw it. I believe my actual comment was "This can't be real. right?" Now at the time that I said it, I was upset but I wasn't particularly pissed off, see that happened a little later when someone commented and even gave a link to a site providing evidence that this was indeed a hoax.
I would have thought that finding out it was a joke would make me feel a little bit better about it. I was wrong, instead I had the completely opposite reaction, I was more angered than I could have ever imagined I would be. I suppose what really got to me was the response to the picture of people online. Observing how quickly the masses went from in an uproar and angered to tamed and laughing.
We're trained to see the word joke and laugh or not take things seriously, and this is all well and good, I agree we all need a good laugh here and there, but at what point have we crossed the line in our attempts to make make people laugh? To me this "hoax" instead of making the sounds of laughter burst out of my mouth, left nothing but a bad vile taste. It simply at no point was or is funny. When we encourage things like this to go on, when we allow people to say and do things that are innapproriate and let them get away with it from the time they say "joking" we are also training ourselves to accept things that should NEVER be accepted.
Friend: "You're Mom is HOT! Set me up nuh?"Me: *Not Amused*Friend: "Don't act like that, I was just joking"
Now I don't doubt that most people are joking, but I know that there are a few who aren't and dismiss this innapropriate comment as a joke. This is something i've learnt to let go of and just laugh along with, because at the end of the day, in the grand scheme of things, It's really not that deep.
See the type of innapropriate "jokes" i'm talking about run on a much higher level. These are things, that when you read them they infuriate you, and leave you wondering how anyone could ever say such a thing. Specifically the inspriation for this note was the image inserted below.

I would have thought that finding out it was a joke would make me feel a little bit better about it. I was wrong, instead I had the completely opposite reaction, I was more angered than I could have ever imagined I would be. I suppose what really got to me was the response to the picture of people online. Observing how quickly the masses went from in an uproar and angered to tamed and laughing.
We're trained to see the word joke and laugh or not take things seriously, and this is all well and good, I agree we all need a good laugh here and there, but at what point have we crossed the line in our attempts to make make people laugh? To me this "hoax" instead of making the sounds of laughter burst out of my mouth, left nothing but a bad vile taste. It simply at no point was or is funny. When we encourage things like this to go on, when we allow people to say and do things that are innapproriate and let them get away with it from the time they say "joking" we are also training ourselves to accept things that should NEVER be accepted.
Rise above the Ignorance!
Much Love • Much Light
If I am an immoveable object
"What happens if an unstoppable force meets an immoveable object?"
We all know the question, and most of us actually know the answer, or rather the lack there of one. Tonight after coming off the phone, the words suddenly just came to me. I wasn't exactly sure why at the time though, but the question itself was for the first time interpreted very differently by me. I began to think of it in relation to two people, one being the unstoppable force and the other the immovable object. So what happens then, when you look at it from this perspective? This is exactly what I hoped to find some sort of resolution to, but in order to do that I wanted to make sure that I really understood the original question itself. You see personally I like to understand the origin of things, because to me you can't put a new spin on something, if you don't know how to came to be in the first place.
I took to google in the hopes of finding some form of guidance, answer, anything? So I searched the above mentioned question, and ofcourse with google a million results came up. Most of the time I tend to go for the first result on a page, but this time around the second one just kind of attracted me to it more, i have yet to regret that decision. The italic text posted below has been directly quoted from that site.
Normally at this hour of the night I would read that and my brain would not process anything, but I was after all on a mission, and it was one that i had put myself on. So to this question I am now ready to add my own interpretation.
If I, an immoveable object, are confronted by you, an unstoppable/irresitable force, when we we meet/confront/come together... the result would be an endless transfer of energy. To me this makes perfect sense. What are human beings but their own forms of immoveable objects and unstoppable forces, we all have our own beliefs, own ways of doing things. Our beliefs and ways which are often unchanged by the influence of others. For the most part when we all meet our energies transfer, intermingle, and co-exist infinitely.
It's late and I should be in bed, but this was floating around in my head, and I decided to share. Night Folks!
We all know the question, and most of us actually know the answer, or rather the lack there of one. Tonight after coming off the phone, the words suddenly just came to me. I wasn't exactly sure why at the time though, but the question itself was for the first time interpreted very differently by me. I began to think of it in relation to two people, one being the unstoppable force and the other the immovable object. So what happens then, when you look at it from this perspective? This is exactly what I hoped to find some sort of resolution to, but in order to do that I wanted to make sure that I really understood the original question itself. You see personally I like to understand the origin of things, because to me you can't put a new spin on something, if you don't know how to came to be in the first place.
I took to google in the hopes of finding some form of guidance, answer, anything? So I searched the above mentioned question, and ofcourse with google a million results came up. Most of the time I tend to go for the first result on a page, but this time around the second one just kind of attracted me to it more, i have yet to regret that decision. The italic text posted below has been directly quoted from that site.
"If an unstoppable force meets an immovable object, what happens?Isaac Asimov answered this question rather neatly, I thought. I can't remember in which of his many books I read it (it was a long time ago), but the gist of his argument was this: A universe in which there exists such a thing as an irresistible force is, by definition, a universe which cannot also contain an immovable object. And a universe which contains an immovable object cannot, by definition, also contain an irresistible force. So the question is essentially meaningless: either the force is irresistible or the object is immovable, but not both.This was my first introduction to philosophy. It was also my first introduction to the notion that ideas which are actually incoherent, when analysed, can nevertheless be extremely useful metaphors. I can think of no better way to describe some encounters between two-year-olds and their mothers, for example.----The correct set-up would be "What would happen if an immovable object were confronted with an unstoppable force." We will have to further define out unstoppable force as having infinite momemtum (right?) and the immovable object having infinite inertia (right.) Therefore, our unstoppable force would have an infinite energy (measure this in joules/calories/whatever) and the unstoppable force would be able to absorb infinite energy.There would be an endless transfer of energy.The two would appear as if they are resting, but are actually transferring their infinite energies from one to the other. Equilibrium or a relation would never be established since we're dealing in the infinite regarding energy."
Normally at this hour of the night I would read that and my brain would not process anything, but I was after all on a mission, and it was one that i had put myself on. So to this question I am now ready to add my own interpretation.
If I, an immoveable object, are confronted by you, an unstoppable/irresitable force, when we we meet/confront/come together... the result would be an endless transfer of energy. To me this makes perfect sense. What are human beings but their own forms of immoveable objects and unstoppable forces, we all have our own beliefs, own ways of doing things. Our beliefs and ways which are often unchanged by the influence of others. For the most part when we all meet our energies transfer, intermingle, and co-exist infinitely.
It's late and I should be in bed, but this was floating around in my head, and I decided to share. Night Folks!
Much Love • Much Light
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Love is...
Greetings all!
This morning I woke up and as I opened my eyes, a kind of sadness came over me, it was the day, the day that had not been my friend for the last two years. I got up and got ready for school, the closer I got to being ready to leave, the more I didn't want to, the idea of going out into a world filled with love[ers] just didn't particularly appeal to me. I went out to get a maxi and my father happened to come along, he noticed the mood and asked about it, to which i simply replied "its valentines day"... he understood.
While on the maxi and I put on a playlist I had made days before chucked full of Alanis Morissette, The Cranberries, Florence and the Machine... basically... i was sinking myself deeper and deeper, until I happened to glance out of the window and see a man carrying a vase with red roses, he literally had a bounce to his step and a broad smile on his face, i couldn't help but smile. Then it hit me...
I was allowing relationships from my past, situations, emotions, things from my past to completely cloud what I believe the real importance of this day is... Love, not just any specific kind of love, but just love in general, love for anyone, anything...
Today is probably one of the most beautiful day's of the year that we all could experience simply because there is an abundance of love, ad from love comes positive vibrations, and from positive vibrations come happiness... what could be better than that.
I plan to be open to and take in as much of the energy floating around that I possibly can, because nothing bad could ever come from that. Be open to love, even if you might not have it in your life the way you want to, even if a person you love is far away or you have no prospect of seeing them, just be happy that they're out there and send out love to them, most importantly just be happy that you're around and love yourself, it's the best gift that you could ever give yourself so go on and take in the LOVE!
Mucho Love,
A lot of Blessings,
Plenty Smiles
and Tons of Happiness
to you all!
Friday, January 6, 2012
What the Wind Gave Me...
On Sunday April 17th, 2011 I woke up around 8am and headed south bound with my uncle and cousin to Los Iros, I initially took the camera in the hopes that I would be able to get some really amazing kite surfing action shots, but the closer we got the Los Iros the more we began to realize that that just may not have been an option, there was no wind, and with no wind there would be no surfing the skies for anyone.
Having driven all the way there we decided to stay for a bit. While Los Iros may not have been the most beautiful stretch of beach I had ever seen it definitely held some treasures hidden away, I got a beautiful set of pictures that day.
The lack of wind in Los Iros allowed for me to go to the Savannah where the wind blew my way a different kind of blessing. This morning I received a call, that a photo from my Los Iros set had been chosen to appear in the Music Radio 97.1 FM (Trinidad & Tobago) Motivation Minute Booklet. Blessings in abundance.
Much Love • Much Light
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